Sunday, November 18, 2007

(click on the pic to see a bigger size)

It's been slowly getting more like fall lately. For maybe the past week or two it's been damp, because every couple nights it will rain. Only at night! Sometimes I can hear it, and sometimes it's so light I don't hear it.

There has been some low snow levels in the past month or so. Mission Ridge is supposed to open on Thanksgiving.

It's been raining all day today, and this evening the snow came down all the way to our yard, although it really didn't stick for long.

These pics are the hill behind our house. It's kinda dark, because the light was almost gone.

It's still raining!


This afternoon, while I was taking a nap, All41 gently woke me to ask if I wanted some watermelon. I never really did wake up, but I heard him say something about how funny it was to be able to go out in our own garden in the middle of November and pick a watermelon to eat.

I think I went back to sleep, and then I felt something very cold, hard, sweet and watery put in my mouth, which was so wonderful, as I've been feeling thirsty and parched lately. Yummy.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

autumn morning

I woke up this morning and it was just right outside. It's the best of fall: moist, earthy, and misty.

I went into the living room because sometime in the early morning, Kboy had wandered in and layed down on the couch, wrapped himself in the couch blanket and fell back asleep. He's done that a few times lately. It's cute.

This picture below is on the N.E. facing window, looking through the walnut branches and then the cottonwood branches by the creek. Beyond them, you can see the mist settled above the Wenatchee Valley.

The rest (except for the last) are pictures of our wild cherry tree outside the E. facing living room window.

You can see the green of the willow trees as a backdrop here - they really haven't turned nor fallen yet.

A picture from my deck, of some branches from our big maple tree (with the weeping cherry tree in the background). The buds are already so big, all snuggled in for the winter, waiting for the first warm days of spring:

Saturday, November 10, 2007


It's been an interesting fall. It's already November 10, and we have been having mild weather all the way through. I don't even think we've dipped below freezing, although we've almost just. It's been averaging around 50 during the day. And it hasn't been raining. We had that one or two weeks of off and on again rain about a month and a half ago, and then that's been it.

But it has been nice that way. We've been able to get more done (especially on our garage remodel), and it's been so wonderfully crisp and pleasant. I think that it's helped the fall colors to extend. I keep my windows open in my room a lot, to enjoy it all.

Today, I kept hearing noises outside my window, and I thought someone was walking around out there. Then I realized that it was the sound of the walnut leaves falling on the ground and the car. It was so loud, I could hear it through the closed window. I opened my window up to be able to enjoy "fall" better. The instant I opened the window, the wonderful smell of nature, outside, and fall wafted in. Heavenly.

Right now, both my windows are open, because it's raining very nicely. I can't get enough of rain, the sound of it, the feel of it, the smell of it. And of course I live in Wenatchee, with 9 inches of rain a year! :-p

At this moment, it's 56 degrees in my room, and 45 outside.

I'm nice and snuggly warm, with my new fuzzy blanky sent to me from my friend Mandolynn - I can't help but show a picture, it's what this time of year is all about!!!

new blanky

Ha! I just published this log, and then saw that the apples on the blanky match the apples on my border to the right.....perfect! Lol.