Thursday, January 17, 2008

new sightings!

Since living on this property, there are two animals that I have never seen here: Deer/Elk and Coyote.

I've seen Deer tracks in the yard every winter, as they have social trails parallel to the creek. They also ate a lot of the arborvitae in our driveway before we moved in. The bushes have filled in a bit since then, I'm not sure what's different, but they don't seem to go through our driveway since we came.

And I hear Coyote very near our property quite a few evenings. This winter has been especially strong, I hear them yipping and yapping almost every night it seems. I always stop what I'm doing (turn of the tv if I'm watching), so I can listen to them. I love to hear them, it sounds like a choir of high-pitched clear voices. I've also seen Coyote scat in the driveway, so I know they come on our property. I'm sure that we've lost outdoor kitties to them!

On January 2, All41 noticed two deer stuck inside our neighbour's deer fenced property. He said they'd been there for a while, don't know how they got in. It was a male and female. I'm still amazed that these are the first ones I've seen since moving here. He got a couple shots for me. The camera is zoomed all the way (15x).

Today, All41 called me into the dining room, saying he saw a coyote across the creek. I grabbed the camera asap and took a couple shots before he jumped through the fence and into our neighbours. I apologize for the quality, it was zoomed all the way in (15x again) and the settings were a bit off because I didn't have time. So I lightened them in photoshop. Isn't he so cool, though? Very plush, almost like a fox.