Wednesday, April 15, 2009

a walk through spring

This is a post that I started last year but never finished, so here it is (forward posted 3/22/10):

I took a long walk in the garden today, and enjoyed all the signs of spring. This is the first day where it all feels truly like spring is here!

The hill behind our house:

A close up of the hill behind our house, with giant pondorosas (they look small from this perspective:

The hillside behind our house, and our neighbour's poperty. Notice the bright colors of the dogwood, riverbirch, and willows by the creek:

We planted some plants around our front entrance, around the mailbox, etc. last summer. It was hard for the plants to get through the hot summer and we lost a couple, but it's gratifying to see them growing prettily this spring. The next four pictures are from our mailbox bed.

A purple Aubrieta flower:

White Aubrieta:

A view from above of our mailbox bed. There are a few Aubrietas, 'Karl Forester' grass, and Butterfly Bush:

Purple and white Aubrieta, nestled against the stone border:

A panorama from behind our neighbour's house:

The hillside just down the road from our house, with beautiful geological features:

All41, playing with Abby:

River Birch tassles by the creek:

Sleeping grapevines:

An old sage, that has grown floppy and woody. I decided to chop the heck out of it and see what happened. The next few pictures show how sad it looks (it grew lots of full leaves after this, cool!):

Abby's watching me longingly from her enclosure:

Close ups of our cherry tree's flower buds and unfurling leaves:

Daffodil by the house:

We have lots of violets growing next to the house, and into the grass:

The next two pics are of dogwood flower buds. One is pink, and one is white (can't remember which is which):

Ornamental Maple buds:

Double white Lilac leaf buds (took this out of the yard of an elderly lady who died and her house was used as a training place for the Master Gardeners. The silly thing hasn't bloomed yet, after years of happily growing in my yard. Ah well, some day:

English Walnut leaf buds:

English Walnut leaf buds and the beginning of a tassle:


Jonesy loves to snuggle in the leaves under the Crambe in the bed in front of the house:

Close up of Catmint leaves (This is a start from my husband's aunt's garden, I believe it is Nepeta grandiflora):