Friday, March 9, 2007


Rose, originally uploaded by Ambrosia_apples.

I'm trying out the blogger option within flickr, to see how it looks and works.

Water Lily got this rose for her birthday. I have a picture of it when it was fresh in flickr somewhere.

Anyways, it was left too long in the vase and dried up. But there was still water in it, and the rose has grown leaves. There aren't any roots though.

Water Lily is really excited to try and plant it in the spring. I went out and got some fresh spring willow branches, because I had read somewhere that they contain a natural growth hormone. I may have to google that and see. I think I squish them and add them to the water. We'll see.

Kboy is cute. He thinks that this should be a tradition, that Water Lily could plant this rose, and then give a cutting to her daughter, and that daughter could give a cutting to her daughter, and so on. What a sweet idea.

We'll see what happens, and if it will root. I know that in our time zone, cuttings shoud be fine. But if there is a big cold snap, the rose may succumb, because it hasn't been grafted onto hardier stock.

I'm just enjoying my children's interest in this rose.


Kylee Baumle said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back!!!!!!!! :-)

Leslie said...

That's a GREAT photo.
You should blog more. I'd love reading your blog.

Regarding "rabbit apples" :)
Our rabbits love apples. They eat the fruit, the leaves, and the bark from the branches.

Ambrosia said...

Thanks! I'm working on back dating more posts.