Tuesday, August 28, 2007

red moon

I heard something about the moon eclipse in Cheers, but didn't really know the details. Good ol' Dad called me today and let me know the times that it would be at. I remember around 1am or so, but then forgot of course. Fortunately, Kitty mentioned watching it in Cheers and I read that at about 3am which was exactly the right time.

I ran outside quickly and caught it right when the last sliver of white was disappearing from the bottom, and the rest was this deep red, like the moon had turned into mars! I ran back and woke up All41 and dragged him out to the porch. I'm wondering if he'll remember anything tomorrow, because he was saying things that didn't make any sense to me at all. :-p He looked, turned around, and went right back to bed. Lol, poor guy is tuckered from work tonight.

Then I thought of trying to capture it a bit, even though I didn't think it was possible for me to do. I got the camera and tried a couple freehand, which were a bit wobbly. I remembered that All41 had shown me once how I could sort of use one of our tripods for something else for this camera, in a poor way. I brought it out and couldn't figure how it was supposed attach, so I just put the camera on top of it to at least help steady my hands and took a few pictures. I used a dark setting to help keep down the wobbly affect, then lightened it a tiny bit with photoshop afterwards.

I know that these are woeful attempts, especially after looking at all the beautiful shots on flickr already, but they're mine and I'm glad that I did it.

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