Thursday, February 7, 2008

cool afternoon

Water Lily, cuddling Jack Jack.


The view today:

This is my favorite spot to photograph from the deck. I love the lone pine on the left, the color of the earth, how clouds gather behind the tree.

The two above pictures: one of our neighbours houses peeking over the hill. This house was built a couple years ago, the first time I saw it I was surprised.

Our other neighbour's house, the one that pearches over us. They're to the (our) left of the other neighbour.

This is my second favorite spot to photograph. I love how the ponderosas collect along the folds of the hill. This spot changes so much throughout the year.

All the pictures below are panoramas, stitched together from 2 or more pictures:

Made from two pictures. I love this spot, and how natural the cottonwoods look. There is recent evidence of two different neighbours building in the area. You can see a pole for some utility or other, and a trailer. We always dreamt of being able to buy all the land around us over time when it eventually goes on sale. But when the time comes, it's not been possible. We still have one section next to us that we could possibly buy some day if we're able to at the time. It's the most important spot I suppose, because the building is right next to ours and we share a driveway. But it still sucks to have our views ruined by development, and having people looking over us.

A two picture pan of the lone ponderosas.

A panorama of the wash, which I didn't line up well enough to crop succesfully. But I like the picture so much that I'm posting it anyway. You can see both houses in this picture.

A pan of part of the ridge above us. You can see the lone pines there towards the left.

Same view as above, just further out and wider. All three of these last pans look best viewed large for detail, just click on them!

A full panorama of the view from our back deck. I love it during the winter (I guess you can tell by the picture I chose for this blog's header), the bright blue against the white snow. (you can see our house roof in the upper right hand corner)

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